What is Rotary?
A group of men and women who have agreed to work together to strengthen and support our community.
What do you do?
We do service projects throughout the year, including Rotary Smiles, Living Waters, Feeding America and the Food Pantry. We also meet every week. During our meetings we learn about each other and our community, and we fellowship with each other at our meetings and at social events.
How much does it cost?
Dues are $10 per month, plus a weekly charge for your lunch at the rate of $11 per week. A normal quarterly bill of $173.00 (covers your dues and 13 meals).
What is expected of a Rotarian?
To try your best to employ the 4-way test in your public and private lives. To faithfully attend meetings and regularly participate in service projects.
Rotary 4-Way Test
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build good will and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?